Person-centered Therapy & Counseling


Offering the highest quality counseling for individuals using proven techniques


Betty offers the highest quality Person-centered (Carl Rogers) therapy and counseling for individuals using proven techniques, such as Guided Imagery, Hypnotherapy, and Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), and an experiential approach focused on internal growth. She helps individuals who are in difficult marriage, work or family relationships or in transition to appreciate their own value, become a better family member and find a path for success.


What is Person Centered Therapy (also called Client Centered Therapy)?

This approach was pioneered by Carl Rogers and explained by Psychology Today. “Person-centered therapy, also known as Rogerian therapy, originated in the work of the American psychologist, Carl Rogers, who believed that everyone is different and, therefore, everyone’s view of his or her own world, and ability to manage it, should be trusted. Rogers believed that all of us have the power to find the best solutions for ourselves and make appropriate changes in our lives. Person-centered therapy was a movement away from the therapist’s traditional role—as an expert and leader—toward a process that allows clients to use their own understanding of their experiences as a platform for healing.”

Source: Psychology Today

What to Expect in your Session

  • Sessions are a therapeutic hour (approximately 50 minutes), sometimes covered by insurance

  • Your session is your opportunity to talk, be heard and understood by a professional

  • As opposed to big practices, you always deal directly with Betty

  • When you call, Betty will schedule your appointment at a mutually convenient time

  • Accepts cash, check or credit cards

  • Betty A. Murphy is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in California who accesses your needs and may refer you to other professionals when required


A Welcoming Place.

Betty offers counseling and therapy in a welcoming, nonjudgmental, safe, and comfortable environment.


Self Care.

Betty greatly esteems and values your importance and commitment to self care.


Just For You.

Betty lets the entire process unfold based on an individualized treatment plan.


Consistent Support.

You will deal only with Betty, who works with you in a low pressure, flexible and professional manner.


Contact Her Today!

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

— Mahatma Gandhi